"Fruteria Lupita" es una frutería deliciosa y fresca. Estamos ofreciendo un "mini-cambio de imagen" sin costo alguno para Lupita, la dueña dijo que ha estado esperando durante años para cambiar su letrero pero no ha podido. Hace un año vino alguien de una empresa de diseño y pagó algo de dinero y nunca más volvieron.
​¡Es un placer ayudar a una señora tan encantadora!
"Fruteria Lupita" is a delicious and fresh fruit shop. We are offering a "mini-makeover" at no cost to Lupita, the owner said that she has been waiting for years to change her sign but has been unable. A year ago someone came from a design company and she paid some money and they never came back.
It is a pleasure to help such a lovely lady!
Antes | Before

Después | After

El Proceso | The Process
I have been dreaming of getting a new sign for years but had no idea how to get one. About a year ago some guys claiming to be graphic designers came by and promised me a design and a sign and I paid them but they never returned.
I have many new foreign customers, they come in and tell me that they know me from Negocios Magicos. They keep coming as regular customers.
Everyone is happy to shop here now.
These girls and their helpers are real angels.
This project was an answer to my prayers.
Thank you for caring. ~Lupita